"Ra 06” is a “generic wine” or a “signature wine” that is produced in a winery called Dehesa de Valdelaguna by Rafa Asenjo, who is a relevant wine-grower in the Ribera del Duero guarante of origin.

Both wine growing and production are carried out following our personal patterns.

We have a little and select production that allows us to harvest by hand. Otherwise, our grapes are transported very carefully in some small chests having a very limited capacity, no more than 15 kilos.

The vineyard is meticulously looked after for several months in order to get the best grapes.

After harvest, “Ra 06” is made inside barrels which are made of several different kinds of wood. We keep our wine inside them for 9 months. After this “Ra 06” is bottled for 13 months and then it begins to be commercialized.

“Ra 06” is a wine full of special feelings".

RA 2007

Con una crianza en barricas de roble durante 13 meses, RA 2007 ha salido al mercado en octubre 2010 y ha obtenido una puntuación de 91 puntos en la guia Peñin.